Father daughter dance lessons father daughter mother son SONGS
parent child dance songs

The Father daughter dance is a memorable, important moment in a father and daughter's life. Choosing the song can be difficult! What encompasses all the feelings a father has for his daughter at this amazing moment? There may be a song that's obvious, but if not...
Below are some of my favorites, some of the popular top choices
Not an exhaustive list, but a place to begin  

Father daughter favorites

Is Dad a rocker?

Sweet Child o'Mine (Guns and Roses)
Teach Your Children (Crosby Stills and Nash )
You're My Best Friend (Queen)
Lullaby (Billy Joel)
In My Life (Beatles)
Wildflowers (Tom Petty)
When You Need Me (Bruce)
Landslide (Fleetwood Mac)
Tupelo Honey (Fleetwood Mac)